Monday, October 17, 2011

The Jealous Curator

A long-time friend moved to Oregon for graduate school nearly two years ago. The two of us were inseparable during our undergraduate years, until I graduated college and moved to Milwaukee, WI. It's not that I moved so far from college that it became impossible to meet frequently; it is the plain boring fact that life got in the way. I was always too poor and the fact that I didn't own a car didn't help either. She was busy with a full course load and work. Thus, our daily meetings came to an end. To make a long story short our correspondence has been limited due to my work schedule and lack of social life and her graduate studies and her social life. Most of our correspondences have been through facebook. This is not a bad thing, though facebook does not lend to a deeper conversation about life, love, or in this instance aesthetics. I submit to this fact of social media based correspondence. We are meant to store these short conversational tid-bits and wait until we can discuss these wall posts in great detail. Today, I received a little message that was simply this link, which led me to a much greater discovery.

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