Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Music

Here is a little bit of music that I like to listen to during the holiday!
Check it out!


Today's Christmas! Woot! This morning I awoke to a video chat. I've been streaming live video today for my family in different parts of the country. My husband and his family opened presents and my mom called just to chat. It's been a good morning so far.
Berry Christmas!


I'm far from a believer, but I was once intimately involved in believing in some thing bigger than my self, a soul, the savor, and a life after. That aside, the hardest part of life is getting through the surprise of losing a loved one. Moving forward, being headstrong, and resilient while suffering a tragedy. Today I called a friend. This wasn't someone who I have known long, or even know well, but I had to call them today. I think the hardest thing about this phone call was calling on Christmas. A few days ago my friend lost someone, she lost her husband.

Today's Cup

Merry Christmas! I'm opening presents over video chat with my family while drinking East Timor from Anodyne & Roast.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Today's Cup

Looking at Junk & Stuff on Christmas Eve and drinking East Timor from Anodyne & Roast.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


While catching up on my YouTubes I came across this little video. Isn't it sweet...

Extree, Extree, Extree!

Read all about it! I updated the blog to have more holiday cheer. I hope you like it!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Today's Cup

Made coffee for my Mommy and Grandma, from Roast Limu Natural Ethiopia With Love!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

SpongeNell SquareMee

"I'm ready, I'm ready!"

It's been awhile. I have been looking back at my videos from last year and thinking; "It's been a year!?" Already, one whole year. Amazing! I've learned so much about the YouTubes and I cannot believe that it's been a year. Only more time will tell how well I keep up with this silliness. Anywhoshkins, this year I gots a real tree!
Check out my video of me getting ready for the Holidays. Boy am I ready for snow, and snow, and snow, and snow, and snow...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today's Cup

Home alone while drinking coffee from Roast Limu Natural Ethiopia With Love!

Notable History

This is a little late (I'm posting this on 12.15, but this entry is dated 12.1).

A new trend I would like to be a part of is Notable History. On November 1 2011, I noticed something quite unusual; the death of a sort of notable person. At least notable enough to put it on Wikipedia and show in the News Headlines. I was, at the time, researching a little history and found a listing of birth and death dates. Now the world cannot predict who will become famous, so I have been following the deaths of notable historical figures. It is very strange, to learn about someone who a day ago was living. So far, I think the most notable person, has been Steve Jobs. Though, he was of no real interest to me, it is interesting nonetheless to follow the story of his life after his death and watch how quickly his story surrenders to oblivion. Let's not forget.

So, I challenged myself to keep up with the 'notable' deaths for one month in order to learn more about the world and the trend continues...

Monday, December 12, 2011


Things I think about...

The Scale of the Universe

Check it out!

Today's Cup

More awake than I want to be, but at least I'm drinking coffee from Roast Limu Natural Ethiopia With Love!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today's Cup

Wishing this was coffee, but alas it's tea. Good thing it's black.

Feelin' Green

Hi ho everyone!
Saw this video this other day and thought I was gong to smile my face off.

Kermit the Frog is my hero! I think he's swell. Jim Henson's creation may be reaching new heights in popularity with the recent movie, but Kermit has always made me smile.