Recently I ventured on a journey to South Dakota! Yep, that's right...Most notably South Dakota is known for its wide open plains and the Black Hills. I have visited this expansive state a number of times, but this time every place I passed was only a memory. Stopping only to fuel up my rental car, I rested my head in Pierre. Pierre is the Capital of South Dakota and smack dab in the middle of the state, making getting there very difficult. Driving there was fine, but driving back was torture. Ten hours, ten hours of speed across 850 miles of country. I crossed two borders and made it back to Milwaukee in relatively good time. Next time, though, I'll be starting out earlier. Driving in the dark was stressful. So, back to my journey, otherwise known as vacation. My vacation was ten days total. First leaving Milwaukee towards St.Paul, Minnesota to see a concert stay with a friend. Then I headed to Pierre for a five day stay with E. Basically, I had planned on getting there and nothing beyond and that is exactly what I did, nothing. It was a delightful time away from my usual routine. Here's to vacation!