Saturday, July 14, 2012

Todays Cup

As I sit in one of my favorite coffee shopes, I am draw into conversation with my favorite barista, Genius. I also work for this shope part-time and outside of being an employee I spend every day with this place. I am dedicated to coffee, to independent businesses, to small (although Mil town is not so small) town coffee culture, and to a vision to provide excellent coffee to everyone. It's not rocket science; running a coffee shope, but it does take some thing special. The key is community. Without smart, passionate people who are invested in the same vision you will lose every thing. Not even the best coffee will keep people coming back. From the perspective of a patron you are investing in a service and a product that you could do without. Everyone can make coffee, especially at home, and everyone can save a buck by staying at home, or simply stop consuming the product. As an employee, the investment is simple too. Foremost, you're in it for the money. You need a job, but what interests you in the beginning is some thing more notable. And the same can be said whether you are the owner, manager, barista, or patron. You love coffee! You're not just addicted, you love the smell of coffee, the taste of coffee, the sound of the brewer or Espresso machine, and the feel of a warm cup of coffee in your hands. But all this would be nothing without a community of people consumed by an addiction to being served a product they could do without. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Just a thought.

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