Monday, August 27, 2012


This morning I was reflecting...
There was a point in my life, not too long ago, when thinking back on that time, I felt very vulnerable and emotional. When in the company of people who were new I would feed off of the excitement. I made friends very easily, requiring them to share every detail of who and how they are in the world. This seems ridiculous now. Why require such intimacy from these people? I feel that even more quickly these friendships were lost because of the insane amount of intimacy, I thought was so important. Why was I so obsessed with the prospect of a new person? Maybe it was my age, both mental and emotional. Whatever that some thing was, I hope that I have in some way 'grown' out of it. Trying to get to know people takes time. I am very familiar with this length of time. Even though I want to know people instantly, I feel like the best people will surprise you right away, but finding out why is worth the wait.

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