Thursday, November 7, 2013

More content...

I've been thinking more about what to write and I think that there is one thing I've always wanted to write about, life style. This may be hard to explain, but it is really simple; all of my interests in one place equal my life style. And I guess there's a part of this that requires the "if I could have it all, what would I want." This life style can be broken down into sections. These sections can be broken down further to better describe me. And with the ease of sharing your likes with the world via the internet, it seems silly to write about something you can tell through pictures. But I believe there is a philosophy somewhere in all this or maybe it's just closer to a mantra (but isn't that a philosophy too). So, I'm thinking it's as good a place s any to start. It's taken me a long time to confidently say that there is a life style that I lean towards, and maybe by writing it down I can help others find theirs too! 

First, there's this sense of design, or desgin sense; I'm not sure which, but I have a keen interest in desgin. There's also noticble trends in desgin and I find myself liking these trendy things even before they become mainstream. I'm not interested in media; I don't own a tv, I don't watch commercials, I don't listen to music. Most of the time I don't even watch or listen to what everyone else is watching or listening to until well after it's been popular. You might say I don't like to be a part of a crowd. I do know that I'm not alone in this, there are a group of people who live in the same way. Even so we do find ourselves drawn towards what is trending. After tracking these trends for the past few years I've noticed that there are a few things that never go out of style. There are those things that drop out of favor but eventually they turn up again in some form or another (and it's only a matter of time until they turn up in food).

Second, food. 

Thrid, art.

Forth, coffee culture.

Five, house and home.

Six, sexy sex.

Seven, creativity.

Eight, babies family.

Nine, money.

Ten, nesting.

And not in this order, hopefully I can work this out into something comprehensible.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Looking back I found this post about Art. The content is there, but is never went back. This content like so much of what I've written in past posts is centered around some heavy emotional thoughts about people. I wonder if there is something to filling this in and writing from the heart (hArt). 

There is a new thought that I have just had the time to explore, or rather synthesize. I think that in Art we, the artists and viewers, are moving into a new season in which we embrace memory and connections. This is something that I have been trying to talk about, but I have been at a lack of words until now, I think. Anther thought, not wholly separate from this is that idea that art is a communicative tool. Although this is not a new thought I think that we are moving into a state where this will be embraced. I think that this needs to be embraced because there is a recent return to explanation. The artist explaining what is in their 'real' minds and not in what they speak. Even better now is that the Art World, as a necessary phenomena, is excepting these ideas and supporting them. We are in a paradigm shift now where the artist will begin to talk to the viewer, the art will become more ecesable, and the artists will not simply create, but 'speak' to the viewer directly. This stems from a renewed sense of identity, which I think has always been there, but has been ignored. This is a slow shift, but a shift none the less. I do not think that it will be long before others notice, if they have not already, and someone will write more conclusively on this topic. (If anyone does wirte on this I want to be the first to name it: Memorium.)


So, it's been some time since writing my thoughts here; it seems as though so much time has past and in fact it has been a a whole year. Crazy! I've been trying to keep my ruine the same, since giving birth, but no one tells you that you will be a giant pillow, thus there is no way you're going to get to work on a computer. Also, it's too hard to get this device I'm typing on to do all the things I want it to do, so I guess I'll have to get a little laptop. But in the mean time I'll be writing. The last couple of years I've wanted to write during national novel writing month. I think I'll start by going through this blog to rekindle ideas I've had over the years. My first glance at this blog I'm reminded how much I write while drinking coffee. I guess that's a great place to start. My Misto Thoughts will be my inspiration.

We'll see...